Injecting some organisation

(Our new hit single will be hitting a store near you!)

Whilst Invisible Visible finds it's feet over the next few weeks, I thought about injecting some organisation regarding a post schedule.

So your feeds are not flooded with reams and reams of posts and you can still scroll down your insta feed liking the odd cute sausage dog pic or a pic of your mates having a whale of a time on a friday evening, a schedule might be a good place to start. Everyone loves a good natter, but there is a time and place don't you think?

Since I and everyone else cram a lot into their daily lives, I don't have the time to solely be posting content. Like everyone else, I've got bills to pay and a gin and tonic habit to feed. So with that in mind, I was thinking of posting on Invisible Visible twice a week. Once during mid week around Wednesday time and then a post on a Sunday when the usual folk tends to call this their chilled out day and more likely to take out some time to cosy up on the sofa and browse the internet.
Does that sound like a plan?

I'll keep my Instagram account @invisiblevisiblexo updated every couple of days with news, updates or a general i-like-dogs so I am going to post a pic of a dog every so often kinda post. 

If you are not already, you can subscribe to this blog by entering your email address at the top of the homepage. That way you won't miss a post and a ramble. Also, you will help motivate me to stick to my two posts a week deal I have going on. 

Getting some order up in here will help chill out this one woman show and allow the blog to slightly build itself up on it's own.

Speak soon.



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