A Bev and A Catch Up.

 Long time, no see. Sorry I have been a bit MIA recently in the past few weeks. To be honest with you and let's get cheesy from the get go, life has just been getting in the way. Not in a bad way but everything always comes ricocheting towards you all at once and you end up lumping things and prioritising other things. I hate doing it but this blog and Instagram has taken a back bench recently but hopefully with this summer vibe weather finally hitting the UK, it might help me get my shit together and be more motivated and active over on this little slice of the internet.

This was meant to be a quick update but seems to have already turned into a 3 part book sequel already. Anyway, to get back into the swing of things, I wanted to update y'all on some exciting things that are happening in the pipeline and some less exciting things where plucking my eyes out would be more entertaining but you know, you do you.

Let's start off with a positive.

Number #1

Next Monday I am gallivanting down south with my brother in tow to complete some hearing dog training for two days, all ready for when I get my own hearing dog. Hopefully it won't be too long, the process is an absolute drainer and it don't rub well on my girl, I want my dog. But it will all be worth it in the end when I do get my little bundle of 'trained' pooch. Honestly contemplating taking a suitcase made for a family of 4 to drag one of the trainee dogs back home with me at the end of the course. You gotta do what you gotta do gal. It's been the only time I have lost my shit in excitement that my hearing really has hit rock bottom. Woo! So that's shit hearing along with breathing which has never been my strongest point. 

Number #2 

Let's balance out this positivity with a slight negative which I'm only brush over lightly cause ain't nobody got time for being a drainer. I popped along to a hospital appointment some time last week to find out whether the doctor's had an sodding clue what they could do to help with my bones and general health condition. Since the last signing your life away appointment, it was discussed that the doc was gonna hold a meeting with the multi disciplinary team to discuss possible treatments or suggestions. This was mainly set up because when I rocked up and laid it on thickly how much pain etc I was in, he belted out that in fact he has never seen a case and there is jack shit on statistics or any literature in medical journals that could help the guy out and consequently me. So off he merrily popped to a meeting and returned to a sassy ginger plonked in his consultant room 4 months later with the answer that he is doing an immediate referral to clinical genetics. I had a moment where I was like 'yeah you go girl, you go and add another medical department to your list'. I mean why have one when you can have them all. Rack them up girl. You just sit there and don't worry about little old me and all that' and then I was like 'are you having a wee fucking chuckle pal?'. Meaning I have to wait even longer for any of this shit to start to remotely get sorted out. I don't know why I kid myself everytime thinking that this time it won't take a good solid 6 months to get to anything half decent to help. I mean it took the best part of 12 years to even get diagnosed in the first place. Ah well, it's a good job I like this doc. Mainly for the fact that he speaks to you like an actual human and less of a medical mystery. 

Number #3

Now we have word vomited the negative shit let's rank it back up to a more positive tune. 
This has been in the pipeline for many months and lots of convos, Skype chats etc but I have been asked by a class friend who we go back years to be featured in a documentary all to do with young people and their own personal projects which are helping to reach other young people and inspire a community and make a difference with their own stamp. I felt so surprised to be invited down to London and crack on with filming my featured documentary. Talking all things how we are slowly starting to accept gender, relationships and marriages but I feel that we still attach a stigma, judgement and misconceptions towards hidden disabilities. I wanted my voice to inspire and empower other young people to use this platform as a comfortable place to talk about their feelings, fears and ultimately their stories to do with hidden disabilities. I'm so excited for the opportunities it could potentially bring and the exposure and publicity it needs for my voice to be heard and to continue to inspire other young people living with hidden disabilities or someone who knows a person who struggles with parts of having a invisible disability and do not have the voice to speak up. It is all still in the pipeline but it was an absolute crack filming and I can't wait to see the end product. So watch out, all to be revealed soon. 

Cheers for letting me ramble on. 
Hope you have milked the bank holiday and kipped out in the sun.



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